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Double Pitch Roller Chains


Double Pitch Roller Chains

Double Pitch Roller Chain

We have a full line of high quality double pitch roller chains, ranging from ANSI and ISO/DIN standards, materials, configurations and quality levels. Double pitch roller chains is often referred to as "extended pitch chain" because it has twice the pitch of a standard chain. Except for the pitch, double pitch roller chains are constructed in the same manner as single pitch chains to standards and conform to the same standard specifications in terms of dimensions. Unlike short pitch roller chains manufactured to ANSI standards, this type of chain is suitable for applications requiring less chain speed and power transmission and is commonly used in agricultural combines and implements.

For quotation or other information on double pitch roller chains, please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

Quality Assurance:
ISO9001: 2015 and GB/T24001-2016 / ISO14001: 2015.


  • Precision Machined Components 
  • Low Friction
  • Directly interchangeable with other brands 
  • Uniform Heat Treatment

Double Pitch Roller Chain Technical Data

Double Pitch Roller Chains
Double Pitch Roller Chains Dimension Chart
Chain No.
Chain No.
PitchRoller diameterWidth between
innner plates
Pin diameterPin lengthInner plate depthPlate thicknessAverage tensile strengthWeight per meter
208A204025.40 7.95 7.85 3.96 16.6 17.8 12.00 1.50 16.70 0.42 
208B25.40 8.51 7.75 4.45 16.7 18.2 11.80 1.60 19.40 0.45 
210A205031.75 10.16 9.40 5.08 20.7 22.2 15.00 2.03 28.10 0.73 
210B31.75 10.16 9.65 5.08 19.5 20.9 14.70 1.70 27.50 0.65 
212A206038.10 11.91 12.57 5.94 25.9 27.7 182.42 36.80 1.02
212B38.10 12.07 11.68 5.72 22.5 25.2 161.85 32.20 0.76
216A208050.80 15.88 15.75 7.92 32.7 36.5 243.25 65.70 1.7
216B50.80 15.88 17.02 8.28 36.1 39.1 214.15/3.172.80 1.75
220A210063.50 19.05 18.90 9.53 40.4 44.7 304.00 102.60 2.55
220B63.50 19.05 19.56 10.19 41.3 45.0 26.44.5/3.5106.70 2.62
224A212076.20 22.23 25.22 11.10 50.3 54.3 35.74.80 147.30 4.06
224B76.20 25.40 25.40 14.63 53.4 57.8 33.26.0/4.8178.00 4.7
228B88.90 27.94 30.99 15.90 65.1 69.5 36.77.5/6.0222.00 6.23
232B101.60 29.21 30.99 17.81 66.0 71.0 427.0/6.0277.50 6.72
208AH2040H25.40 7.95 7.85 3.96 18.8 19.9 122.03 16.70 0.53
210AH2050H31.75 10.16 9.40 5.08 22.1 23.8 152.42 28.10 0.79
212AH2060H38.10 11.91 12.57 5.94 29.2 31.0 183.25 36.80 1.28
216AH2080H50.80 15.88 15.75 7.92 36.2 39.4 244.00 70.00 2.17
220AH2100H63.50 19.05 18.90 9.53 43.6 47.2 304.80 102.60 3.15
224AH2120H76.20 22.23 25.22 11.10 53.5 57.5 35.75.60 147.30 4.57

Double Pitch Roller Chain Selection


Double Pitch Roller Chains

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Transmission roller chain- 220A/220B/2100 Double pitch transmission chains typesTransmission roller chain- 220A/220B/2100 Double pitch transmission chains typesThese transmission roller chains can easily be bored to a metric or standard size to fit your application. In Stock
Transmission roller chain- 216B Double pitch transmission chains typesTransmission roller chain- 216B Double pitch transmission chains typesThese transmission roller chains can easily be bored to a metric or standard size to fit your application. Available Now
Transmission roller chain- 216A/2080 Double pitch transmission chains typesTransmission roller chain- 216A/2080 Double pitch transmission chains typesThese transmission roller chains can easily be bored to a metric or standard size to fit your application. In Stock
Transmission roller chain- 212B Double pitch transmission chainsTransmission roller chain- 212B Double pitch transmission chainsThese transmission roller chains can easily be bored to a metric or standard size to fit your application. In Stock
Transmission Roller Chain 210A/2050 Double Pitch Roller ChainsTransmission Roller Chain 210A/2050 Double Pitch Roller ChainsANSI #2050 Double Pitch Roller chains are usually used for conveyor systems, packaging machinery,and agricultural machinery.In Stock
Transmission roller chain- 208B Double pitch transmission chains typesTransmission roller chain- 208B Double pitch transmission chains typesThese transmission roller chains can easily be bored to a metric or standard size to fit your application. In Stock
Double Pitch Roller Chain 208A | 2040 Double Pitch ChainDouble Pitch Roller Chain 208A | 2040 Double Pitch ChainANSI #2040 |208A Double Pitch Roller chains are usually used for conveyor systems, packaging machinery,and agricultural machinery.In Stock

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