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ANSI 50B Sprocket With Split Taper Bushing

ANSI 50B Sprocket With Split Taper Bushing
ANSI 50B Sprocket With Split Taper BushingANSI 50B Sprocket With Split Taper BushingANSI 50B Sprocket With Split Taper Bushing

ANSI 50B Sprocket With Split Taper Bushing

#50B sprockets with split taper bushing are precision-engineered for optimal power transmission and industrial machinery.
MaterialCarbon Steel
Surface TreatmentBlackening/Galvanizing/Phosphating
AccuracyPrecision teeth for optimum performance
QualitySuperior ANSI Sprocket
InterchangeabilityDirectly interchangeable with other brands
Detail Information

About 50B Sprockets with Split Taper Bushings

50B sprockets with split taper bushings are designed for easy installation and removal on shafts of varying diameters, making them highly versatile for different applications. The split taper bushing system allows for a tighter grip on the shaft compared to taper-lock sprockets, which is particularly beneficial in high-torque scenarios. They are typically used in conjunction with ANSI standard roller chains to suit different operational requirements. The design often includes a keyway to fit a corresponding key on the bushing, ensuring secure attachment and efficient torque transmission. 

For a quotation or other information on #50B sprockets, please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

Quality Assurance:

ISO9001: 2015 and GB/T24001-2016 / ISO14001: 2015.


  • High-precision Sprocket
  • Durable Sprocket
  • Directly interchangeable with other brands 
  • OEM Sprocket
50B sprocket with split taper bushings dimension chart

50B Sprocket with Split Taper Bushings Technical Data

Roller φ
Sprocket SizeSplit Bushing TypeBore
Type B1
H50G11G3/8-12.50  2.219 1130.343 1 19/3211  1/1613/32 20.4
H50G12G3/8-12.70  2.415 1230.343 1 19/3211  1/1613/32 20.5
H50G13G3/8-12.91  2.612 1330.343 1 1/4123/32  1/16 20.5
H50H13H3/8-1 1/22.91  2.612 1330.343 1 21/321 1/41 1/8  7/32 2 1/20.6
H50H14H3/8-1 1/23.11  2.809 1430.343 1 19/321 1/41  1/16  5/32 2 1/20.6
H50H15H3/8-1 1/23.32  3.006 1530.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/20.8
H50P15P11/2-1 3/43.32  3.006 1540.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 31.1
H50H16H3/8-1 1/23.52  3.204 1630.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/20.9
H50P16P11/2-1 3/43.52  3.204 1640.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 31.4
H50H17H3/8-1 1/23.72  3.401 1730.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 21
H50P17P11/2-1 3/43.72  3.401 1740.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 31.4
H50H18H3/8-1 1/23.92  3.559 1830.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/21.1
H50P18P11/2-1 3/43.92  3.559 1840.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 31.8
H50H19H3/8-1 1/24.12  3.797 1930.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/21.3
H50P19P11/2-1 3/44.12  3.797 1940.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 31.8
H50H20H3/8-1 1/24.32  3.995 2030.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/21.5
H50P20P11/2-1 3/44.32  3.995 2040.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 32
H50H21H3/8-1 1/24.52  4.194 2130.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/21.4
H50P21P11/2-1 3/44.52  4.194 2140.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 32.1
H50H22H3/8-1 1/24.72  4.392 2230.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/21.5
H50P22P11/2-1 3/44.72  4.392 2240.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 32.2
H50H23H3/8-1 1/24.92  4.590 2330.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/21.7
H50P23P11/2-1 3/44.92  4.590 2340.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 32.4
H50Q23Q13/4-2 11/164.92  4.590 2340.343 2 25/322 1/22  5/320 4 1/83.2
H50H24H3/8-1 1/25.12  4.788 2430.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/21.8
H50P24P11/2-1 3/45.12  4.788 2440.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 32.6
H50Q24Q13/4-2 11/165.12  4.788 2440.343 2 25/322 1/22  5/320 4 1/83.5
H50H25H3/8-1 1/25.32  4.987 2530.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/21.9
H50P25P11/2-1 3/45.32  4.987 2540.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 32.7
H50Q25Q13/4-2 11/165.32  4.987 2540.343 2 25/322 1/22  5/320 4 1/83.6
H50H26H3/8-1 1/25.52  5.185 2630.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/22
H50P26P11/2-1 3/45.52  5.185 2640.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 32.8
H50Q26Q13/4-2 11/165.52  5.185 2640.343 2 25/322 1/22  5/320 4 1/83.7
H50H27H3/8-1 1/25.72  5.384 2730.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/22.2
H50P27P11/2-1 3/45.72  5.384 2740.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 32.9
H50Q27Q13/4-2 11/165.72  5.384 2740.343 2 25/322 1/22  5/320 4 1/83.8
H50H28H3/8-1 1/25.92  5.582 2830.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/22.5
H50P28P11/2-1 3/45.92  5.582 2840.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 33
H50Q28Q13/4-2 11/165.92  5.582 2840.343 2 25/322 1/22  5/320 4 1/84
H50P29P11/2-1 3/46.12  5.781 2940.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 33.4
H50H30Q13/4-2 11/166.32  5.979 3030.343 2 25/322 1/22  5/320 4 1/82.9
H50P30P11/2-1 3/46.32  5.979 3040.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 33.6
H50Q30Q13/4-2 11/166.32  5.979 3040.343 2 25/322 1/22  5/320 4 1/85.6
H50H32H3/8-1 1/26.72  6.376 3230.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/23.2
H50H33H3/8-1 1/26.92  6.575 3330.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/23.4
H50H34H3/8-1 1/27.12  6.774 3430.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/23.7
H50H35H3/8-1 1/27.32  6.972 3530.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/23.8
H50H36H3/8-1 1/27.52  7.171 3630.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/24
H50H38H3/8-1 1/27.92  7.569 3830.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/24.4
H50H40H3/8-1 1/28.32  7.966 4030.343 1 1/21 1/431/32  1/16 2 1/24.8
50G11G3/8-12.50  2.129 1130.343 1 19/321    1  1/16  3/32 2    0.5
50G12G3/8-12.70  2.415 1230.343 1 19/321    1  1/16  3/32 2    0.5
50H13H3/8-1 1/22.91  2.612 1330.343 1 21/321 1/41 1/87/32 2 1/20.6
50H14H3/8-1 1/23.11  2.809 1430.343 1 19/321 1/41  1/165/32 2 1/20.6
50H15H3/8-1 1/23.32  3.006 1530.343 1 1/21 1/41  1/165/32 2 1/20.8
50P15P11/2-1 3/43.32  3.006 1540.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320       3    1.1
50H16H3/8-1 1/23.52  3.204 1630.343 1 1/21 1/41  1/165/32 2 1/20.9
50P16P11/2-1 3/43.52  3.204 1640.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320       3    1.3
50H17H3/8-1 1/23.72  3.401 1730.343 1 1/21 1/41  1/165/32  1/21
50P17P11/2-1 3/43.72  3.401 1740.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320       3    1.4
50H18H3/8-1 1/23.92  3.599 1830.343 1 1/21 1/41  1/165/32 2 1/21
50P18P11/2-1 3/43.92  3.599 1840.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320       3    1.6
50H19H3/8-1 1/24.12  3.797 1930.343 1 1/21 1/41  1/165/32 2 1/21.1
50P19P11/2-1 3/44.12  3.797 1940.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320       3    1.8
50H20H3/8-1 1/24.32  3.995 2030.343 1 1/21 1/41  1/165/32 2 1/21.5
50P20P11/2-1 3/44.32  3.995 2040.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320       3    2
50P21P11/2-1 3/44.52  4.194 2140.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/32  1/16 3    2.1
50P22P11/2-1 3/44.70  4.392 2240.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320       3    2.3
50P23P11/2-1 3/44.92  4.599 2340.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/32  1/16 3    2.4
50Q23Q13/4-2 11/164.92  4.599 2340.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/83.4
50P24P11/2-1 3/45.12  4.788 2440.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320       3    2.5
50Q24Q13/4-2 11/165.12  4.788 2440.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/83.4
50P25P11/2-1 3/45.32  4.987 2540.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 3    2.6
50Q25Q13/4-2 11/165.32  4.987 2540.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320 4 1/83.7
50P26P11/2-1 3/45.52  5.185 2640.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 3    2.9
50Q26Q13/4-2 11/165.52  5.185 2640.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/83.8
50P27P11/2-1 3/45.72  5.384 2740.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 3    3
50Q27Q13/4-2 11/165.72  5.384 2740.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/83.9
50P28P11/2-1 3/45.92  5.582 2840.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 3    3.2
50Q28Q13/4-2 11/165.92  5.582 2840.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/84
50P29P11/2-1 3/46.12  5.781 2940.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 3    3.3
50P30P11/2-1 3/46.32  5.979 3040.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 3    3.5
50Q30Q13/4-2 11/166.32  5.979 3040.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/85.6
50P31P11/2-1 3/46.52  6.178 3140.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 3    3.6
50P32P11/2-1 3/46.72  6.376 3240.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 3    3.9
50Q32Q13/4-2 11/166.72  6.376 3240.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/86.1
50P33P11/2-1 3/46.92  6.575 3340.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 3    4.1
50P34P11/2-1 3/47.12  6.774 3440.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 3    4.3
50P35P11/2-1 3/47.32  6.972 3540.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 3    4.3
50Q35Q13/4-2 11/167.32  6.972 3540.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/86.8
50P36P11/2-1 3/47.52  7.171 3640.343 2  3/161 15/161 19/320 3    4.8
50Q36Q13/4-2 11/167.52  7.171 3640.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/86.8
50Q37Q13/4-2 11/167.72  7.370 3740.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/87
50Q38Q13/4-2 11/167.92  7.569 3840.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/87.4
50Q39Q13/4-2 11/168.12  7.767 3940.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/87.6
50Q40Q13/4-2 11/168.32  7.966 4040.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/88
50Q41Q13/4-2 11/168.52  8.165 4140.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/88.2
50Q42Q13/4-2 11/168.72  8.363 4240.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/88.3
50Q44Q13/4-2 11/169.11  8.761 4440.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/88.6
50Q45Q13/4-2 11/169.31  8.960 4540.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/89
50Q47Q13/4-2 11/169.71  9.357 4740.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/89.3
50Q48Q13/4-2 11/169.91  9.556 4840.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/89.6
50Q50Q13/4-2 11/1610.31  9.954 5040.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/89.8
50Q54Q13/4-2 11/1611.11  10.749 5440.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/811.3
50Q56Q13/4-2 11/1611.50  11.147 5640.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/812.3
50Q60Q13/4-2 11/1612.30  11.942 6040.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/813.3
50Q70Q13/4-2 11/1614.29  13.931 7040.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/816.9
50Q72Q13/4-2 11/1614.69  14.329 7240.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/818.1
50Q80Q13/4-2 11/1616.28  15.920 8040.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/821.1
50Q84Q13/4-2 11/1617.08  16.715 8440.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/824.3
50Q96Q13/4-2 11/1619.47  19.102 9640.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/829.8
50Q112Q13/4-2 11/1622.65  22.285 11240.343 2 25/322  1/2 2  5/320       4 1/839.3
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CTS® is a company that integrates industrial and trade, producing a series of products including various power transmission components such as chains, sprockets, gears, racks, pulleys, taper bushes, couplings, etc. In addition, we also provide wholesale,customized product services and free samples to meet the requirements of our customers. If you have any needs or questions, please contact us and we will reply to you at once.
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