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HTD 14M Timing Belt Pulley


HTD 14M Timing Belt Pulley

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HTD 14M Timing Belt Pulley

We offer a comprehensive range of sleeve-designed timing belt pulleys tailored for HTD timing belts with metric tooth pitches of 5, 8, or 14 mm. Our inventory includes HTD 14M timing belt pulleys, available in standard widths of 40, 55, 85, and 115 mm. These pulleys are accompanied by Taper-lock (TB) bushings, serving as secure locking mechanisms for pulley attachment. Crafted with a conical shape, the bushings feature an internal cylindrical bore with H7 tolerance, along with a standardized keyway.

The "14M" designation signifies the pitch, representing the distance in millimeters from "middle tooth" to "middle tooth". HTD, which stands for "High Torque Drive", denotes a standard pulley compatible with HTD and RPP timing belts. Additionally, an HTD timing belt is available in a reinforced version, offering two or four times the tensile strength, ensuring heightened efficiency and precision.

HTD 14M timing belt pulleys find versatile applications in industries such as machine tools, paper, and textiles, where durability and minimal maintenance are essential. Trust CTS® for high-quality solutions designed to meet your diverse timing belt pulley requirements with reliability and precision.

HTD 14M Timing Belt Pulley Technical Data

DescriptionNumber of
TypeMaterialDp(mm)De(mm)Df(mm)F(mm)S(mm)R(mm)Dm(mm)Di(mm)Taper bushingWeight without bushing
14M-Picth 14 mm for belt width 40 mm
TB 28 14M 40284FST124.78122.12128543211-   9420122.000
TB 29 14M 40294FST129.23126.57138543211-   9820122.380
TB 30 14M 40304FST133.69130.99138543211-   9820122.650
TB 32 14M 40324FST142.60139.88154543211-   10820123.400
TB 34 14M 40344FST151.52148.7916054454.5-   11025173.870
TB 36 14M 40364FST160.43157.6816854454.5-   12025174.800
TB 38 14M 40384FST169.34166.6018354454.5-   13025175.400
TB 40 14M 40404FST178.25175.4918854454.5-   13825176.000
TB 44 14M 40444FST196.08193.2821154511.5-   15530207.800
TB 48 14M 40484FST213.90211.1122654511.5-   17030209.400
TB 56 14M 40569WFST249.55246.7625654511.5170   208302010.800
TB 64 14M 40649WFGG285.21282.4129654511.5170   240302013.400
TB 72 14M 40729WGG320.86318.06-54511.5170   280302015.200
TB 80 14M 40809AGG356.51353.71-54511.5170   315302016.000
TB 90 14M 40909AGG401.07398.28-54511.5170   360302017.800
TB 112 14M 401129AGG499.11496.32-54511.5170   457302025.600
TB 144 14M 401449AGG641.71638.92-54511.5170   600302032.000
TB 168 14M 401689AGG748.66745.87-54511.5170   706302044.000
TB 192 14M 401929AGG855.62852.82-54511.5170   813302049.000
TB 216 14M 402169AGG962.57959.77-54511.5170   920302055.000
14M-Picth 14 mm for belt width 55 mm
TB 28 14M 40284FST142.78122.1228703219-9820122.200
TB 29 14M 40294FST129.23126.57138703219-10025172.740
TB 30 14M 40304FST133.69130.99138704512.5-10025172.700
TB 32 14M 40324FST142.60139.88154704512.5-10825173.660
TB 34 14M 40344FST151.52148.79160704512.5-11025174.550
TB 36 14M 40364FST160.43157.68168704512.5-12025175.200
TB 38 14M 40384FST169.34166.60183704512.5-13025176.200
TB 40 14M 40404FST178.25175.49188704512.5-13825177.000
TB 44 14M 40444FST96.08193.2821170519.5-15530208.600
TB 48 14M 40484FST213022670519.5-70302010.400
TB 56 14M 40569WFST249.55246.7625670519.5170208302012.00
TB 64 14M 40649WFGG285.21282.4129670519.5170242302014.500
TB 72 14M 40729WGG320.86318.06-70519.5170280302016.200
TB 80 14M 40809AGG356.51353.71-70519.5170315302017.500
TB 90 14M 40909AGG401.07398.28-70519.5170360302020.100
TB 112 14M 401129AGG499.11496.32-70519.5170457302028.400
TB 144 14M 401449AGG641.71638.92-70519.5170600302036.200
TB 168 14M 401689AGG748.66745.87-70519.5170706302049.000
TB 192 14M 401929AGG855.62852.82-70519.5170813302053.000
TB 216 14M 402167AGG962.57959.76-70899.5190920353565.800
14M-Picth 14 mm for belt width 85 mm
TB 28 14M 85284FGG127.0102.0102.045-28.5-9825172.700
TB 29 14M 85294FST129.23126.571381024528.510025173.400
TB 30 14M 85304FST133.69130.991381024528.510025173.750
TB 32 14M 85324FST142.60139.881541024528.510825174.800
TB 34 14M 85344FST151.52148.791601024528.511025176.000
TB 36 14M 85364FST160.43157.681681025125.512030205.800
TB 38 14M 85384FST169.34166.601831025125.513030206.800
TB 40 14M 85404FST178.25175.491881025125.513830208.000
TB 44 14M 85444FST196.08193.282111025125.5155303011.800
TB 48 14M 85484FST213.90211.112261025125.5170303015.100
TB 56 14M 85564FST249.55246.762561026518.5210352519.000
TB 64 14M 85649WFGG285.21282.412961026518.5190242352523.000
TB 72 14M 85729WGG320.86318.061026518.5190280352525.000
TB 80 14M 85809AGG356.51353.711026518.5190315352526.000
TB 90 14M 85909AGG401.07398.281026518.5190360352527.800
TB 112 14M 851129AGG499.11496.321026518.5190457352536.500
TB 144 14M 851449AGG641.71638.921026518.5190600352548.000
TB 168 14M 851689AGG748.66745.871026518.5190706352560.000
TB 192 14M 851923AGG855.62852.82102102190813404086.000
TB 216 14M 852163AGG962.57959.77102102190920404091.500
14M-Picth 14 mm for belt width 115 mm
TB 28 14M 115284FST124.78122.121281334544-9825173.770
TB 29 14M 115294FST129.23126.571381334544-10025174.000
TB 30 14M 115304FST133.69130.991381334544-10025175.000
TB 32 14M 115324FST142.60139.881541334544-10825176.800
TB 34 14M 115344FST151.52148.791601334544-11025176.800
TB 36 14M 115364FST160.43157.681681335141-12030207.000
TB 38 14M 115384FST169.34166.601831335141-13030208.400
TB 40 14M 115404FST178.25175.491881335141-13830209.200
TB 44 14M 115444FST196.08193.282111337628.5-155303014.000
TB 48 14M 115484FST213.90211.112261337628.5-170303017.100
TB 56 14M 115564FST249.55246.762561338922-208353524.800
TB 64 14M 115649WFGG285.21282.412961338922190240353527.000
TB 72 14M 115729WGG320.86318.06-1338922190280353529.000
TB 80 14M 115809AGG356.51353.71-1338922190315353532.000
TB 90 14M 115909AGG401.07398.28-1338922190360353536.500
TB 112 14M 1151129AGG499.11496.32-1338922190457353546.000
TB 144 14M 1151449AGG641.71638.92-13310215.5190600404068.000
TB 168 14M 1151689AGG748.66 745.87-13310215.5190706404082.600
TB 192 14M 1151929AGG855.62852.82-13310215.5190813404096.000
TB 216 14M 1152169AGG962.57959.76-13310215.51909204040107.000
14M-Pich 14 mm for belt width 170 mm
TB 38 14M 170*384FST169.34166.601831877655.5-130303011.700
TB 40 14M 170*404FST178.25175.491881877655.5-138303013.000
TB 44 14M 170*444FST196.08193.282111878949-153353515.000
TB 48 14M 170*484FST213.90211.112261878949-170353519.000
TB 56 14M 170*564FST249.55246.762561878949-208353528.500
TB 64 14M 170*644FGG285.21282.4129618710242.5-240404041.000
TB 72 14M 170*729WGG320.86318.06-18710242.5230280404046.900
TB 80 14M 170*809WGG356.51353.71-18710242.5230315404048.000
TB 90 14M 170*909AGG401.07398.28-18710242.5230360404052.500
TB 112 14M 170*1129AGG499.11496.32-187.012730265   457505074.500
TB 144 14M 170*1449AGG641.71638.92-187.012730265   600505091.000
TB 168 14M 170*1689AGG748.66745.87-187.012730265   7065050116.000
TB 192 14M 170*1929AGG855.62852.82-187.012730265   8135050134.000
TB 216 14M 170*2169AGG962.57959.77-187.012730265   9205050146.500

HTD 14M Timing Belt Pulley Selection


HTD 14M Timing Belt Pulley

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Timing Belt Pulley

About CTS® Timing Belt Pulley

Excellent Customer Service

Over the past 14 years, CTS® has been providing timing belt pulley solutions. CTS® is committed not only to delivering reliable, high-quality industrial sprockets but also to offering you excellent customer service. 

Wide Variety of Products

Building upon excellent customer service, CTS® proudly offers a wide range of precisely manufactured chain sprockets to meet your needs. From V Belt Pulley, V Belt Sheave to Timing Belt Pulley. Our Belt Pulleys are usually made of high-quality material, ensuring durability and smooth operation of your machinery. 

Unmatched Quality

CTS's years of experience in belt pulley production enable us to perfect our manufacturing processes, bringing you durable, high-quality industrial belt pulleys. We constantly analyze, precision machining, heat treatment, tooth profile design, surface finishing, and many other factors, ultimately creating the highest-quality belt pulleys on the market. To browse our excellent products, please visit our  ChinaTransmissions.com or contact us via email at info@chinatransmissions.com or call 0086-18667944319(WhatsApp)

Contact us today to learn how CTS® can provide you with a perfectly customized belt pulley that fits the unique needs of your industry.

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